
UniCredit S.p.A.: UniCredit finalizes the sale of a majority shareholding in Bank BPH to GE Money (2008-06-17)


RB 38:UniCredit finalizes the sale of a majority shareholding in Bank BPH to GE Money

Firma: UniCredito Italiano S.p.A.
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Raport bieżący nr Raport bieżący nr Raport bieżący nr 38 38 38 / / / 2008 2008 2008

Data sporządzenia: Data sporządzenia: Data sporządzenia: 2008-06-17 2008-06-17 2008-06-17
Skrócona nazwa emitenta Skrócona nazwa emitenta Skrócona nazwa emitenta
UniCredito Italiano UniCredito Italiano UniCredito Italiano
Temat Temat Temat
UniCredit finalizes the sale of a majority shareholding in Bank BPH to GE Money UniCredit finalizes the sale of a majority shareholding in Bank BPH to GE Money UniCredit finalizes the sale of a majority shareholding in Bank BPH to GE Money
Podstawa prawna Podstawa prawna Podstawa prawna
Art. 56 ust. 1 pkt 2 Ustawy o ofercie - informacje bieżące i okresowe
Art. 56 ust. 1 pkt 2 Ustawy o ofercie - informacje bieżące i okresowe
Art. 56 ust. 1 pkt 2 Ustawy o ofercie - informacje bieżące i okresowe
Treść raportu: Treść raportu: Treść raportu:
Date: June 17, 2008

Current Report No. 38/2008

Pursuant to § 36 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of October 19, 2005 on current and periodic information submitted by issuers of securities (Journal of Laws No. 209, Item 1744), UniCredito Italiano S.p.A. (“UCI") hereby provides the enclosed English language version of the current report (press release) prepared by UCI, as well as the Polish translation thereof.


UniCredit finalizes the sale of a majority shareholding in Bank BPH to GE Money

Today, UniCredit has transferred to GE Money Bank - the Polish bank belonging to the global consumer lending division of General Electric - a majority shareholding in Bank BPH.

Under the terms of the deal, UniCredit has sold a shareholding close to 66%, out of a total stake held by UniCredit in Bank BPH amounting to 71.03% of the corporate capital of the bank.

The transaction envisages also the sale by CABET Holding, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank Austria Creditanstalt, to General Electric Capital Corporation of the 49.9% shareholding in BPH TFI (operating in the asset management sector and controlled by Bank BPH), the finalization of which is scheduled for tomorrow.
The aggregate purchase price for the entire deal is €625.5 million in cash and the transaction shall generate a positive impact on UniCredit Core Tier 1 ratio equal to ca. 7 bps.

Bank BPH is a universal bank with a network of 201 branches. As of 31 December 2007, Bank BPH had total assets of €3.6 billion, loans of €1.7 billion, deposits of €1.6 billion and shareholders’ equity of €0.4 billion. As of the same date, BPH TFI had total assets under management of €1.8 billion.

The sale of UniCredit’s shareholding in Bank BPH is the final step to fulfill the agreement concluded on 19 April 2006 between the Ministry of State Treasury of the Republic of Poland and UniCredit.

Milan, 17 June 2008


Media Relations: Tel. +39 02 88622612;
Investor Relations: Tel. +39 02 88628715;
Date: June 17, 2008

Current Report No. 38/2008

Pursuant to § 36 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of October 19, 2005 on current and periodic information submitted by issuers of securities (Journal of Laws No. 209, Item 1744), UniCredito Italiano S.p.A. (“UCI") hereby provides the enclosed English language version of the current report (press release) prepared by UCI, as well as the Polish translation thereof.


UniCredit finalizes the sale of a majority shareholding in Bank BPH to GE Money

Today, UniCredit has transferred to GE Money Bank - the Polish bank belonging to the global consumer lending division of General Electric - a majority shareholding in Bank BPH.

Under the terms of the deal, UniCredit has sold a shareholding close to 66%, out of a total stake held by UniCredit in Bank BPH amounting to 71.03% of the corporate capital of the bank.

The transaction envisages also the sale by CABET Holding, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank Austria Creditanstalt, to General Electric Capital Corporation of the 49.9% shareholding in BPH TFI (operating in the asset management sector and controlled by Bank BPH), the finalization of which is scheduled for tomorrow.
The aggregate purchase price for the entire deal is €625.5 million in cash and the transaction shall generate a positive impact on UniCredit Core Tier 1 ratio equal to ca. 7 bps.

Bank BPH is a universal bank with a network of 201 branches. As of 31 December 2007, Bank BPH had total assets of €3.6 billion, loans of €1.7 billion, deposits of €1.6 billion and shareholders’ equity of €0.4 billion. As of the same date, BPH TFI had total assets under management of €1.8 billion.

The sale of UniCredit’s shareholding in Bank BPH is the final step to fulfill the agreement concluded on 19 April 2006 between the Ministry of State Treasury of the Republic of Poland and UniCredit.

Milan, 17 June 2008


Media Relations: Tel. +39 02 88622612;
Investor Relations: Tel. +39 02 88628715;
Date: June 17, 2008

Current Report No. 38/2008

Pursuant to § 36 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of October 19, 2005 on current and periodic information submitted by issuers of securities (Journal of Laws No. 209, Item 1744), UniCredito Italiano S.p.A. (“UCI") hereby provides the enclosed English language version of the current report (press release) prepared by UCI, as well as the Polish translation thereof.


UniCredit finalizes the sale of a majority shareholding in Bank BPH to GE Money

Today, UniCredit has transferred to GE Money Bank - the Polish bank belonging to the global consumer lending division of General Electric - a majority shareholding in Bank BPH.

Under the terms of the deal, UniCredit has sold a shareholding close to 66%, out of a total stake held by UniCredit in Bank BPH amounting to 71.03% of the corporate capital of the bank.

The transaction envisages also the sale by CABET Holding, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank Austria Creditanstalt, to General Electric Capital Corporation of the 49.9% shareholding in BPH TFI (operating in the asset management sector and controlled by Bank BPH), the finalization of which is scheduled for tomorrow.
The aggregate purchase price for the entire deal is €625.5 million in cash and the transaction shall generate a positive impact on UniCredit Core Tier 1 ratio equal to ca. 7 bps.

Bank BPH is a universal bank with a network of 201 branches. As of 31 December 2007, Bank BPH had total assets of €3.6 billion, loans of €1.7 billion, deposits of €1.6 billion and shareholders’ equity of €0.4 billion. As of the same date, BPH TFI had total assets under management of €1.8 billion.

The sale of UniCredit’s shareholding in Bank BPH is the final step to fulfill the agreement concluded on 19 April 2006 between the Ministry of State Treasury of the Republic of Poland and UniCredit.

Milan, 17 June 2008


Media Relations: Tel. +39 02 88622612;
Investor Relations: Tel. +39 02 88628715;


Data: 17 czerwca 2008 rokuRaport Bieżący nr 38/2008Na
podstawie § 36 rozporządzenia Ministra Finansów z dnia 19 października
2005 r. w sprawie informacji bieżących i okresowych przekazywanych przez
emitentów papierów wartościowych (Dz. U. Nr 209, poz. 1744), UniCredito
Italiano S.p.A. („UCI”) przekazuje w załączeniu niniejszym angielską
wersję raportu bieżącego (notatkę prasową) sporządzonego przez UCI, a
także tłumaczenie na język polski tego raportu.KOMUNIKAT
PRASOWYUniCredit finalizuje sprzedaż
większościowego udziału w Banku BPH na rzecz GE MoneyW
dniu dzisiejszym UniCredit przeniósł do GE Money Bank - polskiego banku
należącego do globalnego oddziału kredytowego General Electric -
większościowy udział w Banku BPH.Zgodnie z umową,
UniCredit sprzedało blisko 66% z posiadanego przez UniCredit
procentowego udziału w Banku BPH wynoszącego 71,03 % kapitału
zakładowego banku.Warunki transakcji przewidują też
sprzedaż przez CABET Holding, spółkę w całości zależną od Banku Austria
Creditanstalt na rzecz General Electric Capital Corporation, 49,9%
udziałów w BPH TFI (działającej w sektorze zarządzana aktywami i
kontrolowanej przez Bank BPH), zakończenie której jest wyznaczone na
jutro.Łączna cena zakupu dla całej transakcji wynosi 625,5 mln euro
gotówką. Transakcja powinna wygenerować pozytywny wpływ na wskaźnik Core
Tier 1 UniCredit w wysokości około 7 bps.Bank BPH jest
bankiem uniwersalnym dysponującym siecią 201 oddziałów. Na 31 grudnia
2006 r. Bank BPH posiadał aktywa o wartości 3,6 mld euro, kredyty – 1,7
mld euro, depozyty – 1,6 mld euro oraz kapitał udziałowców – 0,4 mld
euro. W tym samym czasie BPH TFI zarządzał aktywami o ogólnej wartości
1,8 mld euro.Sprzedaż przez UniCredit udziałów w Bank BPH jest
ostatnim krokiem do spełnienia warunków umowy zwartej 19 kwietnia 2006
r. przez polskie Ministerstwo Skarbu Państwa i UniCredit.Mediolan,
17 czerwca 2008 r.Informacji udzielają:Media
Relations: Tel. +39 02 88622612;e-mail:
MediaRelations@unicreditgroup.euInvestor Relations: Tel. +39 02

Data Imię i Nazwisko Stanowisko/Funkcja Podpis
Dariusz Choryło
Attorney of UniCredit

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