
Agora S.A.: Projekty uchwał dot. spraw wprowadzonych do WZA nadesłane przez akcjonariusza (2010-06-22)


RB-W 26:Projekty uchwał dotyczących spraw wprowadzonych do porządku obrad Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia nadesłane przez akcjonariusza

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  1. załącznik do komunikatu nr 26_2010.pdf


Raport bieżący nr 26 / 2010
Data sporządzenia: 2010-06-22
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Projekty uchwał dotyczących spraw wprowadzonych do porządku obrad Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia nadesłane przez akcjonariusza
Podstawa prawna
Art. 56 ust. 1 pkt 2 Ustawy o ofercie - informacje bieżące i okresowe
Treść raportu:
Agora SA z siedzibą w Warszawie ("Spółka") informuje, że w dniu 22 czerwca 2010 roku otrzymała od akcjonariusza zgłoszenie projektów uchwał, wraz z uzasadnieniami, dotyczących spraw wprowadzonych do porządku obrad Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia zwołanego na dzień 25 czerwca 2010 roku, o treści jak w załączniku.
Plik Opis

załącznik do komunikatu nr 26_2010.pdf
załącznik do komunikatu nr 26_2010.pdf

Drafts resolutions received from a shareholder regarding points of agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Agora SA with its registered seat in Warsaw (“the Company"), hereby announces that on June 22, 2010 the Company received from the shareholder draft resolutions, together with their justification, regarding points of the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders convened for June 25, 2010:“Resolution no. […] of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, June 25, 2010 regarding amendments in the By-laws of the General Meeting of Shareholders1.Pursuant to the provisions of § 16 item 2 of the Company's Statute, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders resolves to amend the By-laws of the General Meeting of Shareholders in the following way:1) section 4 point 1 of the By-laws of the General Meeting of Shareholders shall have the following wording:"§ 41. The List of shareholders constitutes a register of shareholders which contains surnames and first names, or business names of those entitled to participate in the meeting, their residence (seat), the class and number of shares as well as the number of votes. A shareholder being an individual may request to place a correspondence address instead of a permanent address on the shareholder list."2) point 1.1 a is added to the section 7 of the General Meeting of Shareholders in the following wording:“§ 71.1a At the request placed by a shareholder, a participant who is a proxy of the shareholder placing the request and acts on behalf of the shareholder during the General Meeting of Shareholders, may be listed on the attendance list instead of the shareholder." 2. The resolution shall be in force and effect from the date of its adoption"Justification:1) We propose to introduce such an option in accordance with art. 407 section 1 of the Commercial Companies Code in order to protect personal data of shareholders of Agora SA.2) Art. 410 section 1 of the Commercial Companies Code mentions “participants", not “shareholders". We would like to take this possibility to protects personal data of shareholders of Agora SA.“Resolution no. […] of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, June 25, 2010 regarding amendments in the Company’s Statute1.Pursuant to the provisions of article 430 section 1 of the Companies Commercial Code, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders resolves to amend the Company’s Statute in the following way:1) section 23 item 1 of the Company’s statute in the current wording:"§ 231. Resolutions of the Supervisory Board shall be adopted at the meetings of the Board, unless all its members sign the same or separate copies of a draft resolution. The meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be convened by its chairman or his deputy and in case the chairman is absent and/or his deputy has not been elected by a member of the Supervisory Board designated by the chairman. A meeting of the Supervisory Board may be called by any member referred to in §20, Section 4. Persons authorised to convene meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be obligated to convene such meetings upon the request of the Management Board made by way of a resolution and at the request of any member of the Supervisory Board. Meetings convened in such manner shall occur not later than 14 days following the receipt of such request by the person authorised to convene such a meeting."shall have the following wording:"§ 231. Resolutions of the Supervisory Board shall be adopted at the meetings of the Supervisory Board or by the written mode. The written mode means casting votes by more than half of the members of the Supervisory Board on the same or separate copies of a draft resolution. The meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be convened by its chairman or his deputy and in case the chairman is absent and/or his deputy has not been elected by a member of the Supervisory Board designated by the chairman. A meeting of the Supervisory Board may be called by any member referred to in §20, item 4. Persons authorised to convene meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be obligated to convene such meetings upon the request of the Management Board made by way of a resolution and at the request of any member of the Supervisory Board. Meetings convened in such manner shall occur not later than 14 days following the receipt of such request by the person authorised to convene such a meeting."2) section 24 item 1 of the Company’s statute in the current wording:"§241. Unless otherwise provided herein, the resolutions of the Supervisory Board shall be adopted by an absolute majority of votes cast in the presence of at least three members of the Supervisory Board. In cases where an equal number of votes is cast, the chairman's vote shall prevail."shall have the following wording:"§241. Unless otherwise provided herein, the resolutions of the Supervisory Board shall be adopted by an absolute majority of votes cast in the presence of at least more than half of the members of the Supervisory Board. In cases where an equal number of votes is cast, the chairman's vote shall prevail and the requirement of an absolute majority, described in the previous sentence, does not apply."2. The resolution shall be in force and effect from the day of the entry in the National court register of the above changes."Justification:Proposed wording is more flexible than current one, especially if in the future General Meeting of Shareholders allows for more than five members of the Supervisory Board. Additionally, the proposed wording better reflects the intent of the legislator.

Data Imię i Nazwisko Stanowisko/Funkcja Podpis
2010-06-22 Piotr Niemczycki Prezes zarządu

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