
UniCredit S.p.A.: SA-QS3 2013 wersja angielska - korekta (2013-11-18)


RB-W 50:UniCredit S.p.A: Consolidated Interim Report as at September 30, 2013 - Correction

Firma: UniCredit S.p.A.
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Spis załączników:
  1. Consolidated Interim Report as at September 30 2013 new.pdf Consolidated Interim Report as at September 30, 2013


Raport bieżący nr 50 / 2013
Data sporządzenia: 2013-11-18
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
UniCredit S.p.A: Consolidated Interim Report as at September 30, 2013 - Correction
Podstawa prawna
Art. 56 ust. 1 pkt 2 Ustawy o ofercie - informacje bieżące i okresowe
Treść raportu:
Please find enclosed the Consolidated Interim Report as at September 30, 2013 of UniCredit with supplemented information on page 48 where:

the following:

“ Subsequent Events and Outlook
Subsequent Events

As part of the development plan of Alitalia and the related recapitalization (approved on October 15, 2013 by the meeting of the national airline company) UniCredit has committed to subscribing for a portion of the capital increase not underwritten with a maximum charge of €50 million.
On October 28, 2013, UniCredit successfully completed the sale of its entire stake (6.7% ordinary shares) in Fondiaria-Sai S.p.A. with an accelerated bookbuilding process to Italian and international institutional investors. UniCredit CIB acted as the sole bookrunner in the transaction.
On November 6, UniCredit Russian subsidiary, Zao UniCredit Bank, announced the sale of its entire stake (5.711%) in Moscow Exchange."

received the following wording:

“ Subsequent Events and Outlook
Subsequent Events

As part of the development plan of Alitalia and the related recapitalization (approved on October 15, 2013 by the meeting of the national airline company) UniCredit has committed to subscribing for a portion of the capital increase not underwritten with a maximum charge of €50 million.
On October 28, 2013, UniCredit successfully completed the sale of its entire stake (6.7% ordinary shares) in Fondiaria-Sai S.p.A. with an accelerated bookbuilding process to Italian and international institutional investors. UniCredit CIB acted as the sole bookrunner in the transaction.
On November 6, UniCredit Russian subsidiary, Zao UniCredit Bank, announced the sale of its entire stake (5.711%) in Moscow Exchange.

As part of the Carlo Tassara S.p.A. (“Tassara") restructuring process, to be carried out in compliance with art. 67, paragraph 3, letter (d), L.F, on October 17, 2013 UniCredit S.p.A.’s Board of Directors approved the term sheet outlining the main terms and conditions of the Amendment Agreement:
1. the final expiry date of the existing agreements is postponed to December 31, 2016;
2. the corporate governance sets out the number of directors of the BoD at 9, with 6 members qualified as independent;
3. the bank exposure will be converted into Strumenti Finanziari Partecipativi (“SFP") for a total amount of €650 million. The SFP, which can be traded once the restructuring agreement expires, shall have no maturity date and shall have a priority over any classes of shares with respect to distribution of net income and reserves, as well as in case of liquidation of Carlo Tassara. The criteria to split the SFP among the banks will be calculated taking into account the amount and the distribution of the unsecured debt and, for the difference, the uncovered portion of the secured debt. The value of the listed securities will be determined on the basis of the 6-month average share price before the closing of the restructuring agreement;
4. the commitment of the lenders to subscribe additional SFPs on a pro-rata basis if in the course of the plan material losses occur pursuant to article 2447 of the Italian Civil Code;
5. the lenders commit to converting into SFP the residual credits that should remain in place after the disposal of all the available-for-sale assets of Carlo Tassara has taken place;
6. the business continuity of Carlo Tassara will be ensured by enterprises with historical links with the Valcamonica area.

The existing collateral (pledge on Intesa Sanpaolo, Eramet and Cattolica Assicurazioni shares) will remain in place in spite of the amendments described above.

Please note that to this day the term sheet has not been approved by all the lender banks and therefore the final agreements between Tassara and the lender banks – that are subject to the approval of all relevant banks – may differ substantially from the terms and conditions outlined above or may not be concluded.

The transaction should enable the company to better enhance some of the assets under disposal, the proceeds of which shall be used to repay its financial debt.

The residual amount of UniCredit’s gross exposure to Tassara as at September 30, 2013 is €523 million, against which UniCredit has made a Loan Loss Provision of €153.6 million as at September 30, 2013.

UniCredit considers this Loan Loss Provision to be adequate, also in light of the new agreement and the conversion into “SFP" – UniCredit’s quota of the SFP totals €70million (equal to approximately 10.56% of the total conversion) – that could absorb a relevant part of said provisions in place as at September 30, 2013.
The existing amount of the aforementioned Loan Loss Provision should be considered – to this day – reasonably equal to the maximum potential loss."

Plik Opis
Consolidated Interim Report as at September 30 2013 new.pdf
Consolidated Interim Report as at September 30 2013 new.pdf
Consolidated Interim Report as at September 30, 2013


Data Imię i Nazwisko Stanowisko/Funkcja Podpis
Wioletta Reimer
Attorney of UniCredit

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