
Komunikaty ESPI/EBI Interaolt

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Data publikacjiTypKategoriaTytułZmiana D1
14:44 1.07.2014ESPIZmiana w akcjonariacie (art. 69)Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers-11.05%
12:09 26.06.2014ESPIZmiana w akcjonariacie (art. 69)Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities+0.78%
14:48 20.06.2014ESPIKomunikat w języku obcymAnnouncement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities+0.37%
11:27 17.06.2014ESPIKomunikat w języku obcymAnnouncement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities-0.18%
16:34 11.06.2014ESPIKomunikat w języku obcymAnnouncement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities+0.46%
11:42 9.06.2014ESPIKomunikat w języku obcymAnnouncement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities+0.14%
10:11 30.05.2014ESPIZmiana w akcjonariacie (art. 69)Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities+0.14%
17:09 28.05.2014ESPIKomunikat w języku obcymAB INTER RAO Lietuva announces about financing received from its major shareholders+0.05%
12:30 27.05.2014ESPIZmiana w akcjonariacie (art. 69)Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities+1.93%
17:09 14.05.2014ESPIRaporty okresowe: kwartalne, półroczne, roczneSA-QSr1 2014 - wersja angielska+0.1%
17:19 13.05.2014ESPIDywidendy, podział zysku, pokrycie stratyWypłata dywidendy - 0,65 LTL+0.19%
17:12 12.05.2014ESPITerminy raportów okresowychPublication date of the results for the 1st quarter of 2014-0.24%
17:08 30.04.2014ESPIZmiana we władzachWZA - podjęte uchwały: wypłata dywidendy - 0,65 LTL, powołanie członka RN-1.27%
16:30 9.04.2014ESPIKomunikat w języku obcymAB INTER RAO Lietuva Supervisory Board having analysed the Financial Statements for the year 2013 decided to propose the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to approve them+0.71%
17:26 8.04.2014ESPIWalne ZgromadzenieWZA - zwołanie obrad: podział zysku, powołanie członka RN-2.05%
17:50 4.04.2014ESPIKomunikat w języku obcymAB INTER RAO Lietuva Management Board adopted a decision on analysis and assessment of the Audited Annual Financial Statements of the Company and the Group for the year 2013 and a decision to convene the Annual General Meeting of the Company-0.57%
9:42 1.04.2014ESPIDywidendy, podział zysku, pokrycie stratyRepayment of loans’ amounts to its major shareholders+2.92%
13:46 3.03.2014EBIMarketing: produkty, wyróżnienia, oświadczeniaStatement on corporate governance-0.36%
7:53 28.02.2014ESPIRaporty okresowe: kwartalne, półroczne, roczneSA-QSr4 2013 - wersja angielska+0.42%
7:21 26.02.2014ESPITerminy raportów okresowychPublication date of the results for the 4rd quarter of 2013 and the Annual Information for 2013 -1.07%
13:54 7.01.2014ESPITransakcje wewnątrzgrupowe (z podmiotami powiązanymi)Announcement of the acquisition of block of voting rights in AB Inter RAO Lietuva-0.13%
10:10 7.01.2014ESPITransakcje wewnątrzgrupowe (z podmiotami powiązanymi)AB Inter RAO Lietuva subsidiary in Poland IRL Polska sp.z o.o. was granted the licence for the trade in electricity in Poland-0.13%
10:30 30.12.2013ESPIZmiana w akcjonariacie (art. 69)Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities+0.07%
16:12 19.12.2013ESPIKomunikat w języku obcymAnnouncement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities+1.45%
16:58 13.12.2013ESPIMarketing: produkty, wyróżnienia, oświadczeniaAnnouncement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities+0.59%
16:37 13.12.2013ESPIKomunikat w języku obcymSupervisory council adopted a decision to amend the work regulations of supervisory council, to amend of the Work regulations of Audit Committee of supervisory council and to appoint three members of audit committee of supervisory council+0.59%
16:32 9.12.2013ESPIMarketing: produkty, wyróżnienia, oświadczeniaAnnouncement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB Inter RAO Lietuva securities+2.97%
14:27 6.12.2013ESPITransakcje wewnątrzgrupowe (z podmiotami powiązanymi)Announces about the pledge of shares of its subsidiary Vydmantai wind park-7.58%
16:55 3.12.2013ESPIKomunikat w języku obcymAnnouncement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB Inter RAO Lietuva securities+3.52%
12:01 27.11.2013ESPIMarketing: produkty, wyróżnienia, oświadczeniaAnnouncement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB Inter RAO Lietuva securities+3.1%
14:44 01.07.2014 | ESPI | Zmiana w akcjonariacie (art. 69)
INTERAOLT (-11.05%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers
12:09 26.06.2014 | ESPI | Zmiana w akcjonariacie (art. 69)
INTERAOLT (+0.78%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities
14:48 20.06.2014 | ESPI | Komunikat w języku obcym
INTERAOLT (+0.37%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities
11:27 17.06.2014 | ESPI | Komunikat w języku obcym
INTERAOLT (-0.18%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities
16:34 11.06.2014 | ESPI | Komunikat w języku obcym
INTERAOLT (+0.46%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities
11:42 09.06.2014 | ESPI | Komunikat w języku obcym
INTERAOLT (+0.14%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities
10:11 30.05.2014 | ESPI | Zmiana w akcjonariacie (art. 69)
INTERAOLT (+0.14%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities
17:09 28.05.2014 | ESPI | Komunikat w języku obcym
INTERAOLT (+0.05%)
AB INTER RAO Lietuva announces about financing received from its major shareholders
12:30 27.05.2014 | ESPI | Zmiana w akcjonariacie (art. 69)
INTERAOLT (+1.93%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities
17:09 14.05.2014 | ESPI | Raporty okresowe: kwartalne, półroczne, roczne
SA-QSr1 2014 - wersja angielska
17:19 13.05.2014 | ESPI | Dywidendy, podział zysku, pokrycie straty
INTERAOLT (+0.19%)
Wypłata dywidendy - 0,65 LTL
17:12 12.05.2014 | ESPI | Terminy raportów okresowych
INTERAOLT (-0.24%)
Publication date of the results for the 1st quarter of 2014
17:08 30.04.2014 | ESPI | Zmiana we władzach
INTERAOLT (-1.27%)
WZA - podjęte uchwały: wypłata dywidendy - 0,65 LTL, powołanie członka RN
16:30 09.04.2014 | ESPI | Komunikat w języku obcym
INTERAOLT (+0.71%)
AB INTER RAO Lietuva Supervisory Board having analysed the Financial Statements for the year 2013 decided to propose the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to approve them
17:26 08.04.2014 | ESPI | Walne Zgromadzenie
INTERAOLT (-2.05%)
WZA - zwołanie obrad: podział zysku, powołanie członka RN
17:50 04.04.2014 | ESPI | Komunikat w języku obcym
INTERAOLT (-0.57%)
AB INTER RAO Lietuva Management Board adopted a decision on analysis and assessment of the Audited Annual Financial Statements of the Company and the Group for the year 2013 and a decision to convene the Annual General Meeting of the Company
09:42 01.04.2014 | ESPI | Dywidendy, podział zysku, pokrycie straty
INTERAOLT (+2.92%)
Repayment of loans’ amounts to its major shareholders
13:46 03.03.2014 | EBI | Marketing: produkty, wyróżnienia, oświadczenia
INTERAOLT (-0.36%)
Statement on corporate governance
07:53 28.02.2014 | ESPI | Raporty okresowe: kwartalne, półroczne, roczne
INTERAOLT (+0.42%)
SA-QSr4 2013 - wersja angielska
07:21 26.02.2014 | ESPI | Terminy raportów okresowych
INTERAOLT (-1.07%)
Publication date of the results for the 4rd quarter of 2013 and the Annual Information for 2013
13:54 07.01.2014 | ESPI | Transakcje wewnątrzgrupowe (z podmiotami powiązanymi)
INTERAOLT (-0.13%)
Announcement of the acquisition of block of voting rights in AB Inter RAO Lietuva
10:10 07.01.2014 | ESPI | Transakcje wewnątrzgrupowe (z podmiotami powiązanymi)
INTERAOLT (-0.13%)
AB Inter RAO Lietuva subsidiary in Poland IRL Polska sp.z o.o. was granted the licence for the trade in electricity in Poland
10:30 30.12.2013 | ESPI | Zmiana w akcjonariacie (art. 69)
INTERAOLT (+0.07%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities
16:12 19.12.2013 | ESPI | Komunikat w języku obcym
INTERAOLT (+1.45%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities
16:58 13.12.2013 | ESPI | Marketing: produkty, wyróżnienia, oświadczenia
INTERAOLT (+0.59%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB INTER RAO Lietuva securities
16:37 13.12.2013 | ESPI | Komunikat w języku obcym
INTERAOLT (+0.59%)
Supervisory council adopted a decision to amend the work regulations of supervisory council, to amend of the Work regulations of Audit Committee of supervisory council and to appoint three members of audit committee of supervisory council
16:32 09.12.2013 | ESPI | Marketing: produkty, wyróżnienia, oświadczenia
INTERAOLT (+2.97%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB Inter RAO Lietuva securities
14:27 06.12.2013 | ESPI | Transakcje wewnątrzgrupowe (z podmiotami powiązanymi)
INTERAOLT (-7.58%)
Announces about the pledge of shares of its subsidiary Vydmantai wind park
16:55 03.12.2013 | ESPI | Komunikat w języku obcym
INTERAOLT (+3.52%)
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB Inter RAO Lietuva securities
12:01 27.11.2013 | ESPI | Marketing: produkty, wyróżnienia, oświadczenia
Announcement of the transactions concluded by managers in AB Inter RAO Lietuva securities